Junior football

Welcome to the Ōtaki Sports Club Junior Football 2025 Season!

Our season kicks off in mid-April, with games beginning in early May. We’re excited to welcome back returning players and introduce new ones to the club. Please read the information below for key details.

Determining your child’s grade

  • Your child’s grade is based on the age they will be as of December 31, 2025. For example if they are currently 9 or turning 9 later in the year then they will be in the 9th Grade.
  • In some cases, players may be allowed to move up or down a grade, but this is decided on an individual basis.
  • Grades are combined as follows: 5th & 6th, 7th & 8th, 9th & 10th, and 11th & 12th.
  • All Ōtaki Football grades are mixed.
  • Ōtaki Football Club goes through to the 12th Grade. Contact the club for local options for 13th Grade.

New Players aged 11 or 12 at 31/12/25

Ōtaki Sports Club has a limited number of teams for 11th and 12th-grade players. Priority is given to returning players from last season. While we do our best to accommodate everyone, some years we may not be able to offer spots in this age group. If you’d like to discuss your child’s chances or discuss other options, please get in touch.


Returning players will automatically get communication in March asking if they are playing again. New players can send their details to kerry.bevan@gmail.com

Details to include:

  • Player: Name, DOB and Gender
  • Guardian/Parent: Name, Email, Mobile

Junior football framework

The football grades and framework are designed by NZ Football. Details can be found at https://www.capitalfootball.org.nz/GET-INVOLVED-1/play/juniors


Days for practices during the week are to be decided. They are usually between Tuesday and Thursday after school.

Mixed 5th & 6th Grade (First Kicks)

This group does not have Saturday games. Instead, there are 10 sessions after school, each lasting 45 minutes, starting in May. The day is yet to be decided.

Mixed 7th and 8th Grade (Fun Football, sometimes called Festival Football)

There is a one-hour fun session/practice held after school. Saturday games kick off at 9 AM, with matches played between Paekākāriki and Ōtaki. This program provides a fantastic introduction to football, typically involving 20 to 35 kids.

Mixed 9th and 10th Grade (Mini Football)

One after school training session and Saturday morning football between Paekākāriki and Otaki. Start time on a Saturday is between 8:45 and 10:45.

Mixed 11th and 12th Grade

One after school training session and Saturday morning football between Paekākāriki and Otaki. Start time on a Saturday is between 8:45 and 10:45.

Girls only teams

Ōtaki Sports Club has a strong number of girls playing football and a women’s senior team. However, we haven’t yet had enough players to form girls-only junior teams, so our junior girls play in mixed teams. That said, other clubs along the coast do offer girls-only teams.

Please contact us if you require any further information.

Further information

If you have any more questions, please ring, text, or email:

Kerry Bevan
Otaki Sports Club Junior Football Captain
027 405 6635

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