Membership — join us!
Membership enquiries
To find out how to join the club or to learn more about us, contact our Membership officer.
To join the club, sign up here.
Membership fees for 2024/25
Junior fees are based on the age your child turns during the club year.
Please note: the tennis interclub fees shown below are for playing in one team. If you play in two or more teams, you will need to pay the interclub fee for each team you play in.
Payment examples for club members in more than one team
A tennis player plays Saturday interclub and Monday night interclub
- The player’s annual club sub includes tennis affiliation fees of $65, and one competition fee of $40.
- The player needs to pay an extra $40 competition fee for the Monday night interclub.
A winter interclub squash player joins a Saturday tennis team in summer
- The player’s annual club sub includes squash affiliation fees of $65.
- The player needs to pay tennis affiliation fees of $65 and tennis interclub competition fees of $40.
An interclub tennis player joins a football team
- The player’s annual club sub includes tennis affiliation fees of $65, and one tennis competition fee of $40.
- The player needs to pay football affiliation and competition fees.
A football or tennis player joins a squash team
- The player’s annual club sub includes affiliation and competition fees for their original sport.
- The player needs to pay squash affiliation fees of $65.
Membership cross-code benefits
Membership entitles members to use all the football, squash and tennis facilities. Ōtaki Sports Club members can enter all Ōtaki Sports Club tournaments and competitions (fees may apply), represent Ōtaki Sports Club in interclub (fees may apply) and enjoy all the club facilities.
Club members are also invited to social events during the year and are requested to help at working bees from time to time.
To join the club and pay membership fees, sign up here.
Note: You’ll need a key tag ($20) to access the squash courts.